Our Flexible Listing Plans Make it Easy


If you're thinking about selling a home anywhere in Northern or Central Delaware you came to the right place!

Whether it's figuring out your list price, prepping for the market, or finding the best time to sell, we have the tools to help you move with confidence.

Seven Steps To Sold!

To simplify, we break each sale into into seven easy steps:

  1. Check The Math

  2. Plan "A to Keys"

  3. Set The Timing

  4. Prep The Home

  5. Nail The Launch

  6. Get Your Terms

  7. Bring It Home

Check the math

Price low and you give away the farm. Price high and your house sits. Short on funds and you can't move. To hit the sweet spot, we do a "Pin-Point Price Analysis" to get the most cash in the least time and triple check the net.

IMPORTANT!!:Because market value reports take a significant amount of time we will not do them without first speaking with you. If you are 'just curious" please use the automated value tool on our site. Thanks!

Plan "A to Keys"

20% of listings fail. Avoidable, but true. Over 97% of our sales close because we make an "A-to-Keys" plan to side-step the tricky spots.

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Set The Timing

Timing matters. And more than just the season. Type of home, location, condition, and price all play a part. Even time of month factors in. Let's work these into your timeline.

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Prep The Home

Agents pushing updates to boost "price" and ignoring "net" is typical. They get paid on price. But isn't it your "net" that matters? Why spend $3 to get $2? Low ROI mods waste time AND money. Skip the fluff. Prep to net.

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Nail The Launch

Getting a great offer, qualified buyer, and ideal terms takes finesse. Details matter and need to be planned from day one. To stack the deck in your favor we orchestrate the launch to leverage every trick in the book.

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get your terms

Negotiation is about having options and holding your ground. That's tough if you're backed into a corner on time and starved for choice. Making plans with wide margins on time and lot's of ways to move forward puts you "in it to win it".

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Bring It Home

If you check the numbers, have a plan, time it right, prep for net, nail the launch, and negotiate from strength, selling's a breeze. Any other way will "drag you through the knot-hole backwards". Ready to "bring it home" right?



Values change EVERY TIME a home lists or sells in your area. We track these sales to the-minute make sure you sell fast, and for top dollar.


See Sample Report Below


Our Flexible Listing Plans Make it Easy


If you're thinking about selling a home anywhere in Northern or Central Delaware you came to the right place!

Whether it's figuring out your list price, prepping for the market, or finding the best time to sell, we have the tools to help you move with confidence.

the difference between Sad and Sold?


Hi-Res pics, 3D virtual Twinning, Drone photography, Virtual Staging, Digital Floor-plans. We do it all!

Buyers pre-screen homes online before calling an agent so selling is a digital price war and beauty pageant. Unless your marketing screams "PICK ME, PICK ME!" you don't stand a chance. Fortunately digital marketing is where we shine. Our experts guide you through the process of making your listing shine online!

Cutting Edge Digital Marketing

We put your listing in front of the right buyers and keep it there!

Our goal is to get the most offers to choose from. This means showing up everywhere buyers look for home online and having the tech track them down and win the sale.

Multi-Channel Exposure

Beyond The Internet

Online exposure's not enough. To cut through the "noise" our approach includes old school methods like direct mail, radio, and good ole' "smile-and-dial" to find your buyer. This is "OG meets new age" gets you the best of both worlds.

Alchemy Under The Hood

Sales And Marketing On Steriods

We push the limits, but at the end of the day, we're human. With "Listing Alchemy" at the core we're MORE. With AI unleashed to power behavior modeling, smart tracking, and dynamic targeting systems we transcend typical sales and marketing for a world experience that's in a catagory of it's own.

Questions? Let's talk.

Schedule A Free Consultation with one of our experts!

Seven Steps To Sold!

To simplify, we break each sale into into seven easy steps:

Check the math

Price low and you give away the farm. Price high and your house sits. Short on funds and you can't move. To hit the sweet spot, we do a "Pin-Point Price Analysis" to get the most cash in the least time.

IMPORTANT!!: Because market value reports take a significant amount of time we will not do them without first speaking with you. If you are 'just curious" please use the automated value tool on our site.

Plan "A-to-Keys"

20% of listings fail. Avoidable, but true. Over 97% of our sales close because we make an "A-to-Keys" plan to side-step the tricky spots.

WARNING!! Not intended for the public. Watch Jason teach advanced pricing strategy to top listing agents.

Set The Timing

Timing matters. And more than just the season. Type of home, location, condition, and price all play a part. Even time of month factors in. Let's work these into your timeline.

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Prep The Home

Agents pushing updates to boost "price" and ignoring "net" is typical. They get paid on price. But isn't it your "net" that matters? Why spend $3 to get $2? Low ROI mods waste time AND money. Skip the fluff. Prep to net.

FREE DOWNLOAD-No Sign In Required

Nail The Launch

Getting a great offer, qualified buyer, and ideal terms takes finesse. Details matter and need to be planned from day one. To stack the deck in your favor we orchestrate the launch to leverage every trick in the book.

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get your terms

Negotiation is about having options and holding your ground. That's tough if you're backed into a corner on time and starved for choice. Making plans with wide margins on time and lot's of ways to move forward puts you "in it to win it".

FREE DOWNLOAD-No Sign In Required

Bring It Home

If you check the numbers, have a plan, time it right, prep for net, nail the launch, and negotiate from strength, selling's a breeze. Any other way will "drag you through the knot-hole backwards". Ready to "bring it home" right?



Values change EVERY TIME a home lists or sells in your area. We track these sales to the-minute make sure you sell fast, and for top dollar.


See Sample Report

the difference between sad and sold?


Hi-Res pics, 3D virtual Twinning, Drone photography, Virtual Staging, Digital Floor-plans. We do it all!

Buyers pre-screen homes online before calling an agent so selling is a digital price war and beauty pageant. Unless your marketing screams "PICK ME, PICK ME!" you don't stand a chance. Fortunately digital marketing is where we shine. Our experts guide you through the process of making your listing shine online!

Cutting Edge Digital Marketing

We put your listing in front of the right buyers and keep it there!

Our goal is to get the most offers to choose from. This means showing up everywhere buyers look for home online and having the tech track them down and win the sale.

The Multi-Channel Approach

Beyond the internet

Online exposure's not enough. To cut through the "noise" our approach includes old school methods like direct mail, radio, and good ole' "smile-and-dial" to find your buyer. This is "OG meets new age" gets you the best of both worlds.

Alchemy Under The Hood

Sales And Marketing On Steriods

We push the limits, but at the end of the day, we're human. With "Listing Alchemy" at the core we're MORE. With AI unleashed to power behavior modeling, smart tracking, and dynamic targeting systems we transcend typical sales and marketing for a world experience that's in a catagory of it's own.

Questions? Let's talk.

Schedule A Free Consultation with one of our experts!


EXP Realty LLC 2025

144 Kings Highway, Suite 301,

Dover, DE 19901

Office: (888) 543-4829

The Home Gallery Team of EXP Realty LLC

144 Kings Highway, Suite 301,

Dover, DE 19901

MOBILE: (302) 335-6638

EMAIL: [email protected]


The Home Gallery Team

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